review (8.5/10)
"Comanche 4 stuns and delights the senses with superb graphics and engaging gameplay." December 1, 2001

review (79%)
"Imagine taking one of the world's most advanced attack helicopters, the Sikorsky RAH-66 Comanche, and handing the keys to B. J. Blazkowicz (WOLFENSTEIN™)." December 1, 2001

review Game Zone Online (9/10)
"There is plenty of intense flying and combat situations that will have you white knuckled in no time" November 28, 2001

review (8.6/10)
"The best way to blow crap up, EVER." November 26, 2001

review (91% / Gamer's Choice Award)
"This game is action packed from the start and the graphics are spectacular." November 22, 2001

review (7.7/10)
"The missions themselves are a mix of stealthy seek-and-destroy and simply blowing up everything in sight." November 12, 2001